My quest to find my inner crafty-girl one small project at a time.

Friday, May 27, 2011

I am Maturing...

Here's a shout out to the man in my life...We have had this goofy little horse picture for-ever!

He has had it since he was a little boy. Apparently this little guy belonged to his Poppy's aunt or  cousin or something. Legend is that this lady was not the nicest and never liked anybody and apparently no one ever liked her either. Hubs took a liking to this pic and low and behlod the little old lady gave it to him.

Truth be told, I never liked the pic. I thought it was silly and cheesy and ugly. It sat in a box for many, many, many years! But, in an effort to mature and grow up a bit, (and to show Kate that I like colors other than blue (kinda)!)  I added it to the wall above the family room couches. The area needed a little punch and  some more interest and this little guy was the right call.

I am working on a little something to go over the shelf on the left, it just isn't finished yet. 
Next week, maybe?
Oh, and maybe you notice this adorable little picture. It was my Mother's Day present from my daughter. She made it at school. It says "This is Mommy cooking." I'm not gonna lie, I cried when I opened it. Well, if you know me, you know that me crying is not that much of a stretch, but still! And, you know I am a sucker for kid art! It definitely needed a place of honor in the family room.

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